Saturday, September 23, 2006

Should You Self-Publish? This is a great site I ran across. You can actually make money this way--even in small numbers of sales. Worth a long look and free to join. Know this, though--once you upload it, it is not changeable, so be sure it is accurate from the start and you have the cover art, title page, etc. that you REALLY want.

See also How to Get Published Free and Make Money and Power Posters' blog

Only you can decide whether you should publish it yourself. I know thtere are many non-fiction books that have first been published by the authors, then picked up later by a publishing house (after the proof of popularity was evident to all but an I sounding cynical? Sorry.) The books went on to be wildly successful. This might be the way you want to do it.

With a fiction book, the potential for succeeding this way might be less, but nonetheless isn't impossible. You can also find sites on the 'net from which to purchase ISBN numbers (buy ten at a time, as this saves money and allows for paper and hardback versions, major revisions, compilations, etc.) You can also get publisher warehouses to catalog your work, if you have this number. Wouldn't it be nice to look more legit' and be listed in Barnes and Nobles, etc? I will try to get more info on this in the future, but feel free to research it and leave comments with me on this aspect.

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