Saturday, December 29, 2007

Organized Confusion

It has been far too long since I have posted to this blog. I have all the usual excuses, however, so I am well prepared. A lot has been going on in my life. Researching the best way to publish my trilogy in the SHINING ARMOR series. I am writing a few new books. AIMLESS WANDERINGS will be a humor-based book (which I am still adding a bit to), to be followed up by a sequel, ORGANIZED CONFUSION, also humor-based. AMNESIA is another novel I have in the works and have been unable to spend much time with of late. I am also compiling an electronic work entitled WHO"S FUELING WHOM? AN EXPOSE' OF THE GLOBAL ENERGY CONSPIRACY. This will have a unique approach to proving claims made within the booklet. It won't be a long work, but will be a powerful one nonetheless. Considering writing a book called FAT, LAZY AND STUPID--THE PROBLEMS WITH AMERICA. Don't get me wrong, I love America and what it STOOD for. Problem is, it no longer does.

In addition, I have been involved in the formation of, with two housemates (while stuck here in Arizona), a trio of corporations that will hopefully work in a synergistic manner and accomplish a lot of good for the under-privileged and suffering in the world. There is a lot of prep work involved in this and I am learning by the seat of my pants. Fortunately they know a lot more about it. I trust that God will provide for this work, as long as we continue in His spirit and purpose.

I must assume that your holidays went well. Mine were (are) like the proverbial headless chicken, but have indeed been interesting. Being half the nation away from my family for a time, I had the privilege to spend the holidays with others who took pity on me (or wanted to punish me for some unknown crime) and invited me to join their own families. I miss the family and have made some very pronounced changes. No longer do I have to wear the Bah! Humbug! T-shirt my wife got me some years ago. I now enjoy the season and wish the good cheer could carry over all year. (My wife wants to know who I am and what I have done with her real husband).

On Christmas Eve, I had the distinct and memorable experience of having dinner with Satan and his minions. Not really, but it could as easily have been the same experience if I had. There should be a sign above this family's door that says, 'Abandon Hope, All Who Enter Here'. The whole thing was a real culture shock for me. To lay some foundation for you, I worked with the man for a short time at one job and we seemed to recognize kindred spirits in one another--they say opposites attract and we could not be more opposite than this. I call him my 'evil twin' and he calls me his 'conscience'. We have a lot of the same interests, albeit different manners of applying the knowledge (if you gave me a hammer, I would see what I could build with it--he would try to determine how to conquer the world with it). Mind you, he is brilliant--just terribly twisted in his goals. After consideration, I have decided he may be a science experiment run amok.

Anyway, for one five minute period that seemed much, much longer, they did nothing but shout obscenities and tell one another to shut up. Even the kids talked as you would expect to hear in a bar or locker room. I was very uncomfortable and smilingly asked him not to invite me back next year, whereupon the kids protested and said, 'But you're nice! You have to come back!' Maybe I got through to somebody after all, but that is an experience I would only wish once a year. Next time, if there is one, I will go in fasting and prayer and prepare to cast out the demons from their home. I am not certain if anyone will be left alive if I do, however.

Christmas day I spent with a family that had the young kids enact the Nativity scene and I got to be the angel (my wife should have seen that). The experience was wonderful--no comparison to 'Beelzebub and family' necessary to improve it. I enjoyed the conversation and the influence of good people who love one another. I only wish the other family could have experienced that. Then again, the shock may have killed one or another of the families outright. *sigh*

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